Du betrachtest gerade Falling Walls Lab Baden-Württemberg 2024 (Deadline extended to 15 May)

Falling Walls Lab Baden-Württemberg 2024 (Deadline extended to 15 May)

— Application Deadline has been extended to 15 May —

Falling Walls Lab is a world-class pitch competition and networking forum that brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary pool of students and early-career professionals by providing a stage for breakthrough ideas both globally and locally. The multifaceted formats support participants in driving their innovations and develop their communication skills, fostering collaboration and creating a space for our impactful and sustainable community to thrive.

On July 10, 2024, in Stuttgart, young scientists of all disciplines will have the opportunity to present their groundbreaking ideas in three minutes at the Falling Walls Lab Baden-Württemberg (supported by HEiKA and Heidelberg University, amongst others). The winners will participate at the final Falling Walls Science Summit 2024 in Berlin (7 – 10 November 2024), where they will be able to present their project to an international audience and interact with a wide range of decision-makers, innovators and emerging talents from all over the world.

Application Deadline: 15 May 2024

> Apply here

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Sebastian Wallenstein
Universität Heidelberg
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Heidelberg Research Service
Seminarstraße 2, 69117 Heidelberg
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